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Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) is the term favored by government entities for mitigation and planning strategies that create resilience to a department's operations and allow services to continue to be provided in the face of a range of challenges

Humboldt County COOP Planning Schedule

Save the Dates

Below are upcoming training dates for Humboldt County

Plan Progress Review

During the month of Marh       

Time:  TBD
Individual times will be scheduled directly with

Jennifer Posten, Risk Solutions International


Final Table Top (TTX) Exercise

Fri. | March 21, 2024              In-Person Training
9:00 am - 12 pm                       Final Table Top Exercise
                                                    Galena Property Services


Humboldt County Courthouse
Commissioner’s Room
50 W. 5th Street |  Winnemucca, NV  89445

What to Bring:
Please bring a Wi-Fi enabled laptop and a power cord.


A table top exercise (often referred to as TTX) is a training tool that simulates emergency situations in an informal environment and are an integral part of proper emergency preparedness. Our facilitator, Gayle Sherman, Galena Property Services, will  guide the exercise participants through a dangerous scenario to practice their response strategies.

These TTX training opportunities are conducted in low risk and low stress environment in a way that allows your department team members to get familiar with their responsibilities, procedures and processes should it become necessary to respond to an emergency in your community.

Project Team

Carol L. Lynn

Emergency Manager

Humboldt County

33 W. 4th St.

Winnemucca, NV  89445

Office:  775-375-3195

Cell:  775-304-8673

Jessica Adams, MPH

Homeland Security Program Assistant | Washoe County Emergency Management

Office: 775-337-5859 | Work Cell: 775-624-4084
24/7 Staff Duty: 775-379-5995  

This project is sponsored by the Nevada Statewide COOP Planning Project Grant Initiative.

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